Saturday, July 23, 2016

Karllo Goes to Prom Again

Karllo Goes to Prom Again
 I started this dress the summer before college and I never got to finish it because my sewing machine was back home but I brought it back with me my second semester. And I had to finish it. Luckily it was my friend Karllo's size, so fit it to her.
 Plus her hair at the time matched the dress for it was especially perfect.

 Idk what to do with the dress it would be dope if Karllo actually had an event like a prom to go to but until then its just going to sit in my craft box.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Fuckboy Study
I have been disrespected by males all my life. Most of the time I would let it roll off my back, because it is not worth it to get worked up over. But it is such a continuous thing and recently I have had enough so when it came time to pick a persuasive speech topic for communication I decided to do mine on why not to be a fuckboy. I decided to conduct my own little experiment. I asked a bunch of guys I know from work and school a series of questions:

Do you consider yourself a Fuckboy?
Have you ever cheated on someone? Why?
Have you ever been cheated on?
Have you ever been pressured into doing something you weren’t ready for?
Have you ever played someone? 
Have you ever lied to someone to get more physical with them? Why?
Have you ever been with someone who had a girlfriend/boyfriend? Did you know about it at the time?
Do you care about other people’s feelings?
If it was your mother, sister, daughter, etc. being played, how would that make you feel?
What are your actual intentions when you ask out someone out?
How often do you ask people out?
How would you define a fuckboy?
Honestly are you a fuckboy?
I got a lot of good information, but I felt I needed to get information from a women point of view so I interviewed women too. All of this was originally just for my speech, but I got way too much information and I felt like I needed to share with more people than just the people in my comm class.
Fuckboys are all around us, some of them are out in the open others know how to camouflage. 80% of the guys I interviewed are fuckboys and 90% of them had cheated before. When I asked if they had ever lied to someone to get more physical with someone Participant B told me yes and then I asked him why and he said, “It just means I’m young,” I don’t know what that has anything to do with not caring about someone else’s feelings, but okay. When I asked Participant D 'If it was your mother, sister, daughter, etc. being played, how would that make you feel?' he said “I can’t be mad because its karma,” that statement blew my mind. I thought his lack of concern for even the people closest to him was insane. When I asked Participant B 'How often do you ask people out?' mind you he has a girlfriend, he said really quickly, “I don’t want to talk about it,” I was like ookay then. When I asked Participant D 'What are your actual intentions when you ask out someone out?'  he said, “To make them fall without the intentions of catching them,” the fact that when it comes to being with someone is a game to him is really disgusting. When I asked them to define a fuckboy Participant B told me, “that’s not in my vocabulary,” but I really liked Participant L’s definition “Someone who degrades women to impress other men,” I never thought about it in that way before, but know that I do it helps me understand it a little more.
Out of the women I interviewed only 10% of them had cheated. 75% of the girls I interviewed said they have been pressured into doing something they were not ready for and 80% of them had been played. Participant J told me a very interesting story about a guy she was with. She had started seeing this guy and they were probably about a month in, when in the middle of them making out his phone rings and he answers it, “Hey Baby,” and then he shushes Participant J and when he gets off the phone with his baby mama/ girlfriend Participant J is about to learn about, he says “Monogamy is stupid.” I have no words. Actually I do it is completely and utterly disrespectful to be with someone when you have someone else at home with your child. It is disrespectful to your baby mama the girl you are ticking and to your little daughter at home. I was so mad when I heard this, because it hits home. Eventually all his wrongs are going to catch up with him and he is not going to have anyone to buy him dippers or whip his ass when he’s old.
Conclusion: One of my main reasons why I did this experiment was to understand why someone would mess with people’s feelings. I still do not understand, but the guys do not really understand why they treat people so horrible either. I think most of the guys I interviewed see their flaws and will think twice before they decide to play a girl.
I really enjoyed conducting this study, it made me realize this may be what I would like to do. I got to confront people who did me and others wrong, and really made them think about their actions. One of the guys I interviewed called me an Exposer, and I think he meant it in a negative way but I took it in a positive way.
So I did a self portrait of myself

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Crap Days

Life is a Bitch Sometimes.

My day already didn't start out great because I had to go to a 3hr 8 am. That is like the worst thing ever. 3hrs are already awful by itself, but the fact that it is at 8am makes it 10 times worse. But I came out alive, barely. Then the rest of the day was downhill from there. But it got a lot better at 6 because I went to Pilates for the first time with my fwends and the instructor was literally me! We got there and the door wasn't open because it apparently never is and she was all riled up the same way I get when I'm pissed about something. She had the same mannerisms as me when I'm irked and she even sounded like me. It was so weird. So that was the highlight of my dull day. Meeting future me was pretty cool.  
Today I was going for a grunge look and that fit my mood perfectly. It kind of turned into a grunge Myspace look but I'm alright with that. I wasn't in the best mood when my girl Karllo took these and it comes across in the photos, but hey that's life.

  My shoes are absolutely my favorite part of this outfit. They're Ralph Lauren rain boots and I freaking love them! They were 60$ but I think that is a pretty good price for them.  

 My flannel is definitely a close second too my boots. It was originally 50!$ at Pacsun  which is ridiculous, but not for pacsun. Luckily it was a buy one get one free so I got two flannels for 50 bucks which is still a rip off but its better than one.
My pants are kind of a hot mess but that's what makes them work. I got them at crossroads here in SF not too long ago. The fringe in the holes was once connected, but in one sitting my little cousin's friend picked it all apart. So as that's where I'm at.
Today I was that fringe, I felt completely picked apart.
(lol #dramatic)
 My shirt was kind of see through so I had cleavage without having cleavage kind of thing, because it was covered. Its a conservative slut kind of thang.

Today was not great I let some people who were just trying to hurt me get the best of me and that ruined my day. 
I'm not a believer in smiling the pain away I'm not going to put on a fake smile for people, but I try to make myself feel better by watching something funny or doing something I enjoy.
So moral of the story people will be shitheads and there will be shitty days, but you just keep doin you and rise above the bullshit.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Pussy Day

Happy International Women's Day!!!!! 

I am taking a Hip Hop class at SF State and today we had a pretty special guest. Her name is Rocky Rivera and she is a female rapper, but she is also a journalist and I'm pretty sure she is a teacher too. She is a feminist that moves people through her music and I think that is amazing. In class a couple of her songs were played and one of them was Pussy Kills. She turned a word that is usually used as a derogatory term into an empowering word for women. I thought is really amazing that she could change the whole meaning of a word in one song. I will never use the word pussy in a derogatory way ever again.
After class a bunch of people were going up to her and taking pictures with her and I wanted to but I was way too shy and I didn't know what to say. I think she is coming back again, so when she does i'll be prepared to go up to her. Especially since when I got back to my dorm I started listening to her on spotify. So far I really like Still, Air Mail, Complex, Turn You, Find My Way, Brown Babies, and of course Pussy Kills.

I was a little insecure about posting these pictures, but women like Ashley Graham, Jazmine Sullivan, Mindy Kaling, Robyn Lawley, and now Rocky Rivera have really inspired me to say fuck it I'm BEAUTIFUL the way I am!

My top was an ugly dress from Old Navy that my cousin gave me. The dress just didn't flow right, but the fabric was really cool so I just cut it into a crop top. I really love it now because I don't have to wear a bra with it and it makes my boobs look fairly small which is very rare for me.
My shoes are from Naturalizer and they are conformable at first but after you wear them for too long they pinch your feet and the squawk with every step. They're sooo cute tho! So it's kind of worth it.
My jacket is from my friend Jess and its one of my favorite jackets now, so thankss Jess!
My earrings and belt are from my Mama. I'm pretty sure my earrings were hand made by an old friend of hers.  
I don't remember where I got my pants.
Anyway be confident, beautiful, and YOU.
You're already beautiful so now, if you don't already, flaunt it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Happy Women's History Month!!!!!

Hey Y'all!
So today I found out that it is Women's History Month and I was like whaaaa, I did not know that was a thing. Its like really awesome that women have a month (plus it's my Bday month!), but what isn't awesome is that I didn't know about it. It never came up in grade school or high school and that is just ridiculous!
Since it is Women's History Month I thought I should post about some of the women who have an impact in my life.
My mom of course is someone who has made a huge impact in my life. It has been just the two of us for most of my life. She said we were like the Gilmore Girls, but we are not we have our own unique thing.
These are probably from Christmas Eve some many years ago; I'm pretty sure I didn't want to take a picture because my mom made me dress up. I thought these would be good to post because a lot of us take people who are important to us for granted. We don't appreciate what we have. So next time your mom or someone important to you goes out of their way for you remember to thanks them or let them know they are appreciated in some way it goes a log way.
This here is my grandma. That dope necklace she has on there is of all of her grandchildren and it has all our birthstones in it. She have birth to 7 children and took in a couple more.
I found these pictures not too long ago and I cannot believe my grandma let me do that!
She is now 85 and not doing so hot but I think she'll be okay.
She is someone who I probably took for granted and I regret it.
This was my very first cat Lola. She was around before I was even born. She is still to this day the best Cat ever. I miss her a lot. Near the end I took for granted I was too engaged in TV or my friends to really spend enough time with her and I really regret that, because she was an amazing kitty. I thought she would live longer than she did. I never thought about her not being there because she was always there.
Here are 3(+my mom) out of my 5 aunts. All amazing ladies who probably get taken for granted.
When someone is always there you get used to it and you just expect them to be around forever but no one is around forever and if you don't take the time to appreciate them they will leave even sooner than they have to. 
These here are Lily and Evan. Closest things I got to sisters. I love them a lot I feel like they take me for granted sometimes but I still love them lol.
This month is about the history of Women, but I also think it is a good reminder to look at the amazing Women who have constantly been there for you throughout your life and to really appreciate them and all they do for you. 
So have a happy Women's Month
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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Hellow Y'all

Hey y'all this is my first blog post and I originally wanted it to be about cats, because I fucking love everything cats, but today was too great to not post.
Before you go on you should know that I have my own way of spelling certain words if you haven't already noticed.

So today we finally decided to go somewhere new. We went to the Sutro Baths in Lands End and this is my beautiful pano of them. It used to be a "privately owned owned public saltwater swimming pool" or as I call it a natural swimming pool, where people could actually swim in. Well you still technically could, but I would not swim in that nastiness.

This is another picture of the Sutro Baths + my beautiful friends
It was really freaking beautiful today, like why don't I go here everyday? If you are in SF and you don't know what to do go to the Sutro Baths you will not regret it there will be a lot of climbing, but it is so worth it!

This is Sarrita shaking a ghost's hand. She is a very adventurous one. She had us climbing all over the place. We started to walk up from the Sutro Baths and Sarrita saw this ancient ruins type shit (sorry that's the best I could describe it) and she literally ran to it. And then pretty soon everyone was playing in and on these ruins. 
Here is some more of the ruins with Jess taking a picture of mal Dabbing, with Josselyn as a witness.  
Me and a suculent that fell out of the ground. 
Also in the refection of my glasses is Mia dancing.

A selfie we took at the top of the hill.
Us all looking at the pictures we just took and Jess being Jess.

Me and Joss
She is the one that made me want to start a blog and I've asked her a million questions about it, and I will probably continue to do so. Sorry bout it Joss.

If you do go to the Sutro Baths don't dress like me. DON'T WEAR CONVERSEs! It wasn't awful but my feet did hurt and do not wear sandals you will lose them.  

This is my favorite picture we took today I just wish Mia was here to flip off whoever with us.  
Right before we look this picture we all put our phones away and just really breathed in the beauty of this of this amazing place.
I wish I wasn't on my phone as much as I was, but I was on it a lot less than I would have been a year ago.
My advice to whoever get off your freaking phone and just breathe in the earth.