Hey y'all this is my first blog post and I originally wanted it to be about cats, because I fucking love everything cats, but today was too great to not post.
Before you go on you should know that I have my own way of spelling certain words if you haven't already noticed.
So today we finally decided to go somewhere new. We went to the Sutro Baths in Lands End and this is my beautiful pano of them. It used to be a "privately owned owned public saltwater swimming pool" or as I call it a natural swimming pool, where people could actually swim in. Well you still technically could, but I would not swim in that nastiness.
This is another picture of the Sutro Baths + my beautiful friends
It was really freaking beautiful today, like why don't I go here everyday? If you are in SF and you don't know what to do go to the Sutro Baths you will not regret it there will be a lot of climbing, but it is so worth it!
This is Sarrita shaking a ghost's hand. She is a very adventurous one. She had us climbing all over the place. We started to walk up from the Sutro Baths and Sarrita saw this ancient ruins type shit (sorry that's the best I could describe it) and she literally ran to it. And then pretty soon everyone was playing in and on these ruins.
Here is some more of the ruins with Jess taking a picture of mal Dabbing, with Josselyn as a witness.
Me and a suculent that fell out of the ground.
Also in the refection of my glasses is Mia dancing.
A selfie we took at the top of the hill.
Us all looking at the pictures we just took and Jess being Jess.
Me and Joss
She is the one that made me want to start a blog and I've asked her a million questions about it, and I will probably continue to do so. Sorry bout it Joss.
If you do go to the Sutro Baths don't dress like me. DON'T WEAR CONVERSEs! It wasn't awful but my feet did hurt and do not wear sandals you will lose them.
This is my favorite picture we took today I just wish Mia was here to flip off whoever with us.
Right before we look this picture we all put our phones away and just really breathed in the beauty of this of this amazing place.
I wish I wasn't on my phone as much as I was, but I was on it a lot less than I would have been a year ago.
My advice to whoever get off your freaking phone and just breathe in the earth.